
The Agency

The Agency

Co-Working Space

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co-working space

After leaving Miami International University of Art & Design, Dante followed the call to entrepreneurship with a mission to improve the user experience on the web while simultaneously building a trustworthy brand synonymous with efficiency and reliability. As a joint recipient in the President’s Call to Service Award (2006) from the U.S. President’s Council on Service & Civic Participation, he is frequently called upon to serve as Webmaster for Congressional members, State Delegates and national/int’l. companies.

Dante A., Director of Web Development (Partner)
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Antonio J., Lead Linux/Apache Server Technician
Madison S., Executive Administrator
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Milos A. (MBA), VP of Marketing
Kristopher G., Lead Developer
Valentin M., Senior Back-End Developer
Ngoc N., Senior Front-End Developer
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Andrew W., Digital Marketing Manager (Agent)
Vic F., Sales & Advertising Manager
Sharon X. (M. Sc.), Senior Financial Analyst
Vlad G., Lead Mobile UI/UX Designer
Josie Y., Print / Graphic Designer (Agent)
Julio F., [3D] Printing / Packaging (Agent)
Brandon P., Web Services Associate
Diem T., Fine Line Artist (Agent)

Exquisite design is only the first step. Our diverse team of Agents help ensure our clientele are fully supported in virtually every technological facet of their brand’s presence. Our agency’s vast network of professionals assures we have the resources to fulfill a range of our client’s needs both on and off the web. Our goal is to provide a seamless and cohesive solution that consolidates the many 3rd party service providers you may currently use and proactively respond to your potential needs. Our servers are regularly upgraded to maintain our place ahead of the curve; we relentlessly persist with a verifiable 99.97% uptime rate across all of our hosted sites since 2008. Contact us today to discuss our wide variety of custom tailorable solutions.

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